With our trusted integrations partner, Zapier, you can integrate Growform with 5000+ destinations. There's an integration for almost anything!
SMS & emails
Get notified by gMail, receive an in Outlook or add a contact to Mailchimp
Sheets & CRMs
Add leads to a Google Sheet, create a contact in Salesforce or add an account to Pipedrive
5,000+ more
Use your imagination - you could even automatically send a physical greetings card via Stannp!
We haven't forgotten email, either
Se volete solo ricevere una buona, vecchia e-mail quando i vostri moduli vengono compilati, non c’è problema. Ogni modulo è impostato con notifiche via e-mail, senza bisogno di Zapier.
It all starts here...
Start creating beautiful, multi-step forms that convert with a zero commitment free trial (no credit card required):